A. Answer

Answered By: Kate Covintree     Last Updated: Jan 23, 2015     Views: 971

The Middle/Upper School library is excited to have a new Self-Checkout system located in the Middle School space as well as the the Circulation desk! 

Now, if you are a library patron in good standing, you can check books out yourself without waiting for assistance from the library staff.

You will need:

  • Your library barcode number or school lunch number
  • The barcode of the item you are borrowing

Step 1.

Make sure the "Check Out" option is selected on the left of the screen.

Type or Scan your library barcode into the "Find Patron" box. To scan your personal barcode, the camera is at the back of the device at the top left corner.

(This system does not search by name, so if you do not know your lunch number or library barcode, you will have to speak with a library staff member.) 

Step 2.

Type or Scan the barcode of your item.

Material barcodes may look like this


or this 

make sure you are not scanning the item's ISBN.

Step 3.

Your borrowed item should now show up under your name.

Stamp the due date in your book (so you know when to return it!)

And repeat the process until all your items have been Checked Out.

Step 4.

Close your account information by clicking on the small red X in the center of the screen.

And take your items home to enjoy!