A. Answer

Answered By: Kate Covintree     Last Updated: Jan 23, 2015     Views: 323

Most of our non-fiction books are located on the 3rd floor of the library.*

The collection begins with the bookshelf under the office windows, and is organized using the Dewey Decimal System.

Here's a sampling of the type of books you may find in each of the Dewey Decimal categories:

  • 000's - World Records, Bigfoot, Library Science
  • 100's - Witchcraft, Self-help, Freud 
  • 200's - Christianity, Taoism, Greek myths
  • 300's - Women, Spies, Politics
  • 400's - Dictionaries, Spelling, Chinese stories
  • 500's - Math, Oceans, Gorillas
  • 600's - Dieseases, Cookbooks, Space travel
  • 700's - Art, Art, Music, Sports
  • 800's - Poetry, Plays, Essays
  • 900's - Travel guides, World history, US history

*Graphic Novels and Reference books are housed on the main floor of the library.